Looking for a way to give back to the community around us? Whether you gather a group of friends or make it a family project, here are five ways you can donate or volunteer to local organizations making an impact.
Participate in #GivingTuesday
The Community Foundation of West Chester/Liberty (CFWCL) and Lakota Local Schools are teaming up on #GivingTuesday, November 27, to benefit the Lakota Schools Foundation. The Foundation’s mission is to build a sustainable source of funding to meet the district’s current and future needs.
You can help: This #GivingTuesday—a globally recognized day of charitable giving—contribute to the Lakota Schools Foundation. WCLFoundation.com/GivingTuesday
Donate Sleeping Bags
Founded by Lakota student Andrew Brauer, The Blanket Crew has distributed over 2,000 blankets and sleeping bags to those in need since 2015.
You can help: You can donate new or gently used sleeping bags to The Blanket Crew at 7720 Summerlin Blvd., Liberty Township. Tip: purchase and ship directly from Amazon. TheBlanketCrew.org
Buy Raffle Tickets
RiskSOURCE Clark-Theders is raising funds for Wacky Wednesday, a ministry that provides basic needs to kids in the Appalachian community, including food, coats and shoes.
You can help: Purchase $1 raffle tickets for one of four raffle baskets, each valued over $250. Winners drawn on November 20 will be contacted to schedule delivery. Call Jean Mabry to purchase your raffle tickets: 513.644.1266.
Contribute to Literacy
Literacy is a vital life-skill. The Faith Alliance partnered with Lakota Local Schools to develop two summer literacy programs for struggling elementary readers from low income families.
You can help: Your financial support will help provide transportation, staff and learning materials for the 2019 summer literacy programs. TheFaithAlliance.org/summer-lunch-literacy-program
Collect Toys
The Butler/Warren County Marine Corps Reserves Toys for Tots Program delivers a message of hope to kids in need by giving them a new toy they might not otherwise receive.
You can help: Collect and donate new, unwrapped toys and drop off to the Butler/Warren County Toys for Tots. For drop-off locations, email: bwtoys4tots2@yahoo.com. ButlerWarrenCounty.ToysForTots.org