What inspires us to become better people? Whatever the encouraging factor is, we as humans collectively search for ways to improve ourselves through words of wisdom from friends, sage advice from experts and the power of books. If you want to walk away from a good read feeling a sense of comfort or inspiration, look no further.
Eleanor Tremayne’s passion for great literature and her love of the written word propelled her to both an extensive teaching career and, now, a successful career as a novelist. She published her first book in 2017, and her writing style is a mix of genres, combining historical fiction and romance with elements of psychological fiction and mystery.
Patrons at Liberty Center can soon add one more item to their shopping bags: library books. MidPointe Library will open a new location at Liberty Center this fall. While MidPointe has partnered with Liberty Center for years to hold storytime programming, the new location will be its first brick-and-mortar presence. Patrons can request books from any library branch at the new…
Don’t close your books just because school is out. This summer, MidPointe Library West Chester is again offering its exciting Summer Reading Program. With a new online component and additional programming, there is something for all ages at the library.
The day a parent welcomes a child into the world, their life is forever changed. Children bring us tremendous moments of joy, laughter and pride. Our precious little ones show us just how deeply we are able to love and how swiftly we are able to forgive.
Of the list of reasons why a mom might grab a paper towel in an emergency moment—juice box explosion, runaway meatball or even a sniffling nose—to write a book does not rise to the top of the list, but that’s what happened in one local family’s kitchen. When Kellen Montgomery, at age eight, declared a strong disdain for reading and…